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What is it?

Esyfund enables donors and funders to quickly find outstanding research projects to support. Esyfund offers a global repository of comprehensive, federated information on researchers and their projects, using AI-powered analysis to predict which researchers will develop beneficial programs.

What's your need?

To make a personal difference

If you have prospered in life and you have the resources to improve the world, EsyFund can help you find and support meaningful research.

To support making a difference

EsyFund can help you find the world’s best research to support.

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EsyFund is the shared vision of many

To help us make it a reality, contact Nick Saunders, our CEO.

Find and understand research that matters to you


Streamline Your Search

Find research projects aligned with your interests quickly and easily.


Gain Deeper Insights

Understand the research, track and plans record at a glance.


More than Papers

Know more about the research than just the papers produced, see how projects fit into the broader context and benefit the real world.

Projects that matter

Support projects with the best chance of success


See Success

Our AI evaluates the stage of the project and predicts its potential benefits, enhancing funder confidence.


Support Projects that Matter

You can directly donate and fund projects or syndicate with other change makers to support research that will change the world.

Work with a dynamic company that can listen to your needs and improvements in weeks, not months.  

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